Type Guards: isRoute()
Call Signature
function isRoute(route): route is RouterRoute<Readonly<{ hash: string; href: Url; id: string; matched: CreateRouteOptionsMatched<string>; matches: CreateRouteOptionsMatched<undefined | string>[]; name: string; params: { (key: string): any; (key: number): any }; query: URLSearchParams; state: { (key: string): any; (key: number): any } }>>
A type guard for determining if a value is a valid RouterRoute.
Parameter | Type | Description |
route | unknown | The value to check. |
route is RouterRoute<Readonly<{ hash: string; href: Url; id: string; matched: CreateRouteOptionsMatched<string>; matches: CreateRouteOptionsMatched<undefined | string>[]; name: string; params: { (key: string): any; (key: number): any }; query: URLSearchParams; state: { (key: string): any; (key: number): any } }>>
if the value is a valid RouterRoute, otherwise false
Call Signature
function isRoute<TRoute, TRouteName>(
options): route is TRoute & { name: TRouteName }
A type guard for determining if a value is a valid RouterRoute with an exact match.
Type Parameters
Type Parameter |
TRoute extends RouterRoute <Readonly <{ hash : string ; href : Url ; id : string ; matched : CreateRouteOptionsMatched <string >; matches : CreateRouteOptionsMatched <undefined | string >[]; name : string ; params : {}; query : URLSearchParams ; state : {}; }>> |
TRouteName extends string |
Parameter | Type | Description |
route | TRoute | The value to check. |
routeName | TRouteName | The expected route name. |
options | IsRouteOptions & object | - |
route is TRoute & { name: TRouteName }
if the value is a valid RouterRoute with an exact match, otherwise false
Call Signature
function isRoute<TRoute, TRouteName>(
options?): route is RouteWithMatch<TRoute, TRouteName>
A type guard for determining if a value is a valid RouterRoute with a partial match.
Type Parameters
Type Parameter |
TRoute extends RouterRoute <Readonly <{ hash : string ; href : Url ; id : string ; matched : CreateRouteOptionsMatched <string >; matches : CreateRouteOptionsMatched <undefined | string >[]; name : string ; params : {}; query : URLSearchParams ; state : {}; }>> |
TRouteName extends string |
Parameter | Type | Description |
route | TRoute | The value to check. |
routeName | TRouteName | The expected route name. |
options ? | IsRouteOptions | - |
route is RouteWithMatch<TRoute, TRouteName>
if the value is a valid RouterRoute with a partial match, otherwise false
Call Signature
function isRoute<TRouteName>(
options): route is RouterRoute<Readonly<{ hash: string; href: Url; id: any; matched: any; matches: any; name: any; params: {} | { (key: string): any; (key: number): any }; query: URLSearchParams; state: { (key: string): any; (key: number): any } }>> & { name: TRouteName }
A type guard for determining if a value is a valid RegisteredRouterRoute with an exact match.
Type Parameters
Type Parameter |
TRouteName extends string |
Parameter | Type | Description |
route | unknown | The value to check. |
routeName | TRouteName | The expected route name. |
options | IsRouteOptions & object | - |
route is RouterRoute<Readonly<{ hash: string; href: Url; id: any; matched: any; matches: any; name: any; params: {} | { (key: string): any; (key: number): any }; query: URLSearchParams; state: { (key: string): any; (key: number): any } }>> & { name: TRouteName }
if the value is a valid RegisteredRouterRoute with an exact match, otherwise false
Call Signature
function isRoute<TRouteName>(
options?): route is TRouteName extends any ? RouterRoute<Readonly<{ hash: string; href: Url; id: any; matched: any; matches: any; name: any; params: {} | { (key: string): any; (key: number): any }; query: URLSearchParams; state: { (key: string): any; (key: number): any } }>> : never
A type guard for determining if a value is a valid RegisteredRouterRoute with a partial match.
Type Parameters
Type Parameter |
TRouteName extends string |
Parameter | Type | Description |
route | unknown | The value to check. |
routeName | TRouteName | The expected route name. |
options ? | IsRouteOptions | - |
route is TRouteName extends any ? RouterRoute<Readonly<{ hash: string; href: Url; id: any; matched: any; matches: any; name: any; params: {} | { (key: string): any; (key: number): any }; query: URLSearchParams; state: { (key: string): any; (key: number): any } }>> : never
if the value is a valid RegisteredRouterRoute with a partial match, otherwise false
Call Signature
function isRoute(
options?): boolean
A type guard for determining if a value is a valid RouterRoute.
Parameter | Type | Description |
route | unknown | The value to check. |
routeName ? | string | The expected route name. |
options ? | IsRouteOptions | - |
if the value is a valid RouterRoute, otherwise false