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Kitbag Router ships with built in support for rejection handling. Each rejection type you need is registered with a corresponding view, if rejections happen at any point in the router lifecycle the router will handle it.

Rejection Component

When a rejection happens, Kitbag router mounts whatever component is registered for the type of rejection. Assign your rejection components wherever you call createRouter.

import { createRouter } from "@kitbag/router";
import MyNotFound from "@/components/MyNotFound.vue";

export const router = createRouter(routes, {
  rejections: {
    NotFound: MyNotFound,

Updating Registered Router

Be sure you've updated the registered router, this is ensures Typescript knows about your additional rejection types.

Rejection Type

By default the only registered rejection type is NotFound. Creating custom rejection types is as easy as defining them when you assign rejection components. For example, we can add a custom rejection for "AuthNeeded".

import { createRouter } from "@kitbag/router";
import MyNotFound from "@/components/MyNotFound.vue";
import MyAuthNeeded from "@/components/MyAuthNeeded.vue"; 

export const router = createRouter(routes, {
  rejections: {
    NotFound: MyNotFound,
    AuthNeeded: MyAuthNeeded, 

Trigger Rejection

Any of the hooks will provided a reject function in the context argument.

const route = {
  onBeforeRouteEnter: (to, { reject }) => {

Alternatively, you can always trigger a rejection from router.reject.

import { useRouter } from '@kitbag/router'

const router = useRouter()

function maybeAuthNeeded() {

Get Rejection

Your rejection components have access to the current rejection with useRejection.

import { useRejection } from '@kitbag/router'

const rejection = useRejection()

const rejectionType = computed(() => rejection.value.type)